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Public Holidays in Serbia

Here you will find some information about national holidays, memorial days and church holidays in Serbia in 2024.

1 January – New Year: Nova Godina

7 January – Orthodox Christmas: pravoslavni Božić. According to the Julian calendar, which runs 13 days behind the Gregorian calendar, Christmas is celebrated on January 7

13 & 14 January – Serbian New Year: Srpska Nova Godina. It is also calculated according to the Julian calendar, with a difference of 13 days. The New Year is celebrated on a working day.

27 January – St. Sava: Sveti Sava. St. Sava was the first Serbian archbishop and laid the foundations for today’s Serbian Orthodox Church. This church holiday is celebrated on a working day.

15 & 16 February – National holiday or Sretenje: Dan državnosti Srbije. In 1835, the Principality of Serbia received its first constitution, which was the first step towards Serbian independence.

22 April – Remembrance Day for the victims of the Holocaust, genocide and other victims of fascism in the Second World War: Dan sećanja na žrtve holokausta, genocida i drugih žrtava fašizma u Drugom svetskom ratu. This holiday is celebrated on a working day.

1 May – Labor Day: Praznik rada

2 – 6 May – (floating holiday) Easter: Uskrs or Vaskrs or Vaskršnji praznici. Orthodox Good Friday – Veliki Petak, Orthodox Holy Saturday – Velika Subota, Orthodox Easter Sunday – Uskrs/Vaskrs; Orthodox Easter Monday – Uskrs/Vaskrs

9 May – Victory Day: Dan pobede = end of the Second World War in 1945. This holiday is celebrated on a working day.

28 June (according to the Julian calendar 15 June) – Vidovdan: St. Vitus Day = Day of the Serbs who died for their homeland – Dan Srba palih za otadžbinu. This is a day to commemorate the battle in Kosovo. The battle was fought on June 15, 1389 between Serbia and the Ottoman Empire on the Kosovo field about 5 kilometers northwest of today’s Priština. This holiday is celebrated on a working day.

21 October – Day of Remembrance of the Serbian Victims of the Second World War: Dan sećanja na srpske žrtve u Drugom svetskom ratu. This holiday is celebrated on a working day.

11 November – Day of the armistice: Dan primirja u Prvom svetskom ratu.


Employees have the right not to work on the following religious holidays:

– Orthodox – on the first day of “Slava”: a family festival celebrated in honor of the family patron saint,

– Catholics and members of other Christian religious communities – on the first day of Christmas and on the days of the Easter holidays according to their calendar,

– Members of the Islamic community – on the first day of Eid al-Fitr and the first day of Eid al-Adha,

– Members of the Jewish community – on the first day of Yom Kippur.


Text: Snežana Stefanović

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